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Gesellschaft für Produktionsorganisation und rechnergestützte Technologien mbH

Entwicklungspartner für Prototypen und Kleinserien aus Metall und Kunststoff


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PORTEC was founded in 1994 as a "spin off" from the TU Ilmenau and currently employs 23 people, with 30% of them having a university degree.

Research and Development

PORTEC has been conducting regular research for years with universities, renowned research institutions and companies. This opens up new technologies for her and creates competitive advantages.

Flyer Table


With 4 apprentices as well as a BA-student the company provides for their own young professionals. After the initial growth of the customer base in the former West Germany, sales in our Thuringian region have fortunately risen sharply in recent years. The export has also developed positively. Deliveries are made primarily to Austria, France, Spain and Switzerland.

Video "PORTEC Company"